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3 Sleep Ingredients You Should Consider


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3 Sleep Ingredients You Should Consider

3 Sleep Ingredients You Should Consider

3 Sleep Ingredients You Should ConsiderBetween busy schedules and late nights of binge-watching TV, most people don’t get the appropriate amount of sleep each night. Fortunately, new innovations in sleep ingredients have made it easier than ever to formulate incredibly effective supplements. If you are interested in adding sleep supplements to your product lines, here are 3 of the top ingredients you should consider.


For the average consumer, melatonin is likely the most well-known of modern sleep ingredients and has become incredibly popular as an OTC sleep aid. In fact, the body will naturally produce this hormone to help lull the brain into a pre-sleep state. If interruptions in natural melatonin production occur, supplemental melatonin can be used to encourage faster and better sleep.

Valerian Root

Valerian root has gained new prominence in both the US and Europe in recent years as a natural sleep ingredient. Although scientific data about the effectiveness of valerian root is still being gathered, legions of people worldwide swear by it when they need a better night’s sleep. However, it may be more effective when paired with other sleep ingredients in a capsule or tablet form.


Although commonly taken in tea form, chamomile is well known for its ability to help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Chamomile has been a featured ingredient in many Ayurvedic medicines both internally and externally. In fact, the benefits of chamomile go far beyond just promoting restful sleep and may help relieve digestive problems and cold or fever symptoms.

While only a small sample of what sleep ingredients are available, we hope this gives you some ideas for your next supplement. If you need a quick solution that has already been formulated for effectiveness, we encourage you to look into our private label options. We look forward to helping you find the perfect option for your needs.

Why JW Nutritional for Supplement Manufacturing?

JW Nutritional can manufacture a wide variety of supplements to suit the needs of your customers. With the inclusion of our complete packaging solutions including bottles with lid closures, sachets, stick packs and zip-seal bags, clients can receive a complete product that is ready for order fulfillment. If you are interested in the vitamin manufacturing services we offer, please contact us today!

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